
CIが働きかけ、REDDについてのステートメントを出しました。来年のCOP15で次期枠組みにREDDを入れるためには、SBSTAでの方法論的議論と並行して、AWG-LCA(条約の下での長期的協力行動に関するアドホック・ ワーキンググループ)において政策的な議論を進めていかなければならないという内容です。

NGO Coalition Recommendations on Inclusion of REDD in AWG-LCA

We strongly recommend that the Ad Hoc Working Group for Long-Term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA) affirm the commitment of the Parties to pursue discussions on policy approaches and positive incentives as reflected in the conclusions of the REDD workshop under the AWG-LCA in Accra. We furthermore recommend that the AWG-LCA advance negotiation of a REDD mechanism to be concluded in the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties.

The report of the REDD workshop in Accra concluded that:
There was a common understanding that the current knowledge of methodological issues was sufficient to initiate discussions on policy approaches and positive incentives. Robust methodologies are important to ensure that emission reductions are real, measurable, reportable and verifiable.

Sufficient progress has been made in the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to ensure that robust methodologies and tools exist to address many of the REDD methodological issues. Work of the SBSTA should continue to inform and guide the development of an appropriate mechanism for REDD under the AWG-LCA, given that the SBSTA’s role is to contribute methodological guidance and refinements in support of the Convention.

However, any methodological refinements by the SBSTA should most usefully occur in parallel with policy discussions in the AWG-LCA. Therefore, the AWG-LCA must move forward on policy approaches and positive incentives in order to agree on a REDD mechanism in Copenhagen.

We call on Parties now to build upon the methodological progress made under the SBSTA on these issues and begin serious discussions on the types of mechanisms for REDD under the AWG-LCA. Particularly, we recommend that, under the AWG-LCA, the Secretariat undertake a review of potential financial mechanisms for REDD, inter alia, auction revenues from allowances, potential revenues from REDD credits under different scenarios and fund-based mechanisms. Poznan must lay the groundwork for both methodological and policy approaches to come together in Copenhagen so that a post-2012 deal will include REDD as a key mitigation building block.

The following organizations endorse this statement:
Amazon Institute for Environmental Research, Brazil (IPAM)
Conservation International (CI)
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
National Wildlife Federation (NWF)
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Tropical Forest Group (TFG)
Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Instituto Socio-Ambiental, Brazil (ISA)
